About us

We promote and encourage the consumption of Guayusa to improve the lifestyle of people and in turn contributing to the development of native products from Ecuador.

Rodrigo Viteri

¿What is Guamatí?

Guamatí was founded in 2021 with the purpose of encouraging the consumption of Guayusa in Ecuador. It is an Ecuadorian brand dedicated to distribute and sell Guayusa locally and internationally. We work with local producers located in eastern Ecuador to offer our products to every region of the country and the rest world.

This project began thanks to a roadtrip to the Amazon rainforest with a group of friends, in which we could noticed that everywhere we went, people only drank Guayusa; Something that does not happen in other parts of Ecuador.

After doing research on the history and benefits of the product, we noticed the incredible benefits that Guayusa can contribute to health. That is why we decided to support small indigenous communities by buying this product and distributing it to all regions of the country.


Our Guamatí brand comes from the combination of words “Guayusa-amazónica-tea”.

Building a
sustainable brand

We are committed to building an ethical and sustainable brand through the non-use of plastics, responsible sources, and quality products.
We want to make Guayusa known as a healthier, cleaner, more conscious source of vegetable energy from a social and environmental point of view.

Today, people are looking for plant-based, healthy, and responsibly sourced products. Guayusa is the perfect example to meet the energy needs of the next generation.

We have different presentations and mixtures to encourage and facilitate the consumption of this plant through tea infusions and derivatives.

Our Hibiscus and Lemongrass blends provide excellent health benefits for people. We are an environmentally conscious brand and we promote a circular economy.

for the world

Our mission is to be able to export our products to all regions of the world so that people know about this incredible medicinal plant that will help improve people’s lifestyles.

We are seeking for strategic alliances with different brands to distribute our product in different international markets.

Let us know if you would like to join this incredible journey!